I Know, I Know….

I Know, I Know….

I haven’t posted in a good long while about Emetophobia and I apologize to you. My adoring fans (he he )… but things have been fairly decent for me and my family and I am gracious to God for that. We are knee deep in winter here in North Florida and it has...
How Are You?

How Are You?

Wow, it has been a while since I have updated my site. Been non-stop busy with running a business and trying to enjoy my life with my wife, pets and music. If you are new to my site take a look around. I have set it up to offer some form of comfort and hope for people...
Went Holistic, Not Looking Back

Went Holistic, Not Looking Back

Things have been pretty decent in my life and over the past few months I have completely neglected my Emetophobia Blog. I need to do better to stay on top of it for my main mission of helping those who are looking for hope and relief from Emetophobia to know they are...
All Is Well Update

All Is Well Update

Just letting you guys know everything is fine around here. I have been focused on setting up a home recording studio and that has taken time away from this site as I also work full time. I am truly able to fully concentrate on things I enjoy. God is great! I hope if...
Holy Crap On A Cracker!

Holy Crap On A Cracker!

I didn’t panic, flip my lid, cover my ears or flee….. This in close proximity to a minor child heaving and ho’ing just below my second story balcony while we were on vacation. I know, I don’t think I even flinched as my wife asked me if I was...