Sitting in my office today I just realized that I haven’t posted anything of value to my site regarding emetophobia in a while. I am pretty busy with my work most of the time and ready to do things with my wife and pets and hobbies when I get home that are away from the computer. When thinking of something to write about I came to the realization that I have overlooked one critical thing… the point of it all!

I have said many things about the fear on this site and offered up quotes and paths of information but actually never told you what I had to do to get comfortable again. I started a narrative about this a while back and considered it a work in progress (which it will I Am Not A Doctorcontinue to be) much like fighting the fear itself. Since I feel very strongly about fighting this fear and getting on with your life, without further ado, here you go……. oh, and once again. I am not a doctor, just someone who has suffered from and dealt with Emetophobia for most of my life. Please seek professional help when trying any of these methods.

>>>> Peaceful Content