My Age Of Anxiety by Scott StosselI recently started reading a book my mother suggested for me titled My Age Of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind by Scott Stossel. I am not an avid reader but was curious as to what this guy went through based on the narrative. I can honestly say that his experiences make my anxiety and fears pale in comparison. I would recommend reading this book to gain more perspective into other people suffering from Emetophobia as well as generalized anxiety disorder and what they have to do to cope.

SPOILER Alert (And Discomfort Alert)

Scott went through and extensive exposure therapy session in his life and it is written about in chapter 3 with great detail. Even as good as I am doing these days I was a bit squeamish reading his experience in vivid detail. Exposure therapy is something that I vigorously wanted to avoid during therapy sessions as a child. My fear of it was so great that I never mentioned having the fear to anyone until I was in my mid 20s. I regret it as this would not have been the case with the Dr. I learned years later. I think back and wonder if I would have brought this up would it have saved me many years of misery. This I will never know.

The book is available on Amazon if you are so intrigued.

As always, keep the faith and things will get better for you!
