Emetophobia Winter VigilanceThe phobia is still at bay but I am staying vigilant again this winter as I do every winter. I felt a little frumpy today so I took something called Sambucus that contains Elderberry extract as a preventative measure as I feel like I am getting a cold. I heard great things about it and it is a must have. It also takes like a grape Popsicle that has melted into a syrup, a bonus. I also take Echinacea at any sign of illness, another great herbal remedy.

I started taking a solid Organic Multivitamin from Garden of Life and I think it is helping. I have also worked in dark chocolate (88% or greater) everyday for my mind as well as coconut oil. I also heard great things about coconut oil and what it can do for your mind and body . We will see how things go.

Additionally the usual hand sanitizers are in place at home, work and the car. I am very careful not to touch common area things such as escalator railings or elevator buttons. I also immediately sanitize my hands after shaking someones hand, usually out of their view though to avoid embarrassment.

My next objective it to start walking more and possibly start back to weight training, used to do it all the time but have gotten lazy as I have gotten older. I really believe exercise at a moderate pace is one of the best things for you along with a healthy diet.

I Am Not A Doctor

As always I know I am brief but stay vigilant, hang in there and things will start to get better for you.
