Seinfeld The Dinner Party

Seinfeld The Dinner Party (Image from YouTube)

From my favorite sitcom Seinfeld:

ELAINE: What’s the matter with you?
JERRY: Uh, I don’t feel so good.
ELAINE: What’s wrong?
JERRY: My stomach, I , I think it was that cookie.
ELAINE: The black and white?
JERRY: Yeah.
ELAINE: Not getting along?
JERRY: I think I got David Duke and Fahrikan down there.
ELAINE: Well if we can’t look to the cookie where can we look?
JERRY: I feel like I’m going to throw up.
ELAINE: Hey, what about your vomit streak?
JERRY: I know, I haven’t thrown up since June 29th, 1980.

I can certainly relate, I too have used “the event” as a gauge or marker of time. That is how I explicitly know of my 30 year streak. I beat Seinfeld by a bit. I know it sounds impossible but true. In the 30 years I had roughly three episodes of bad nausea and only one with any involuntary reaction – a single dry heave.

Emetophobia Sucks and 30 Years Is Too LongI never passed anything upward for 30 years, that is pretty awesome in itself but….. not good for an emetophobe. The length of time between can only help to embolden the fear and make you more fearful the next time it comes around. During that time the fear was festering and simmering and waiting to strike at me, and twice it did.

I can say that today it is better. I am not afraid anymore and not really timing things out the way I used to. No one likes to puke but I am prepared to deal with it when the next time comes around. Thank God for that!

Now stop waiting and get help, you won’t regret it. Let your family and/or partner know, search for professional help in your area and get started ASAP. You can have peace again. This is one place you can start, I sought local care for my phobia and never looked back.

As always, hang in there, get help and keep praying. Things will get better for you!
