Emetophobia Sucks Slow Posting TurtleI haven’t posted in a good long while about Emetophobia and I apologize to you. My adoring fans (he he )… but things have been fairly decent for me and my family and I am gracious to God for that. We are knee deep in winter here in North Florida and it has been fairly mild. I think the winter stomach bug is floating around  but honestly I am blessed to not be focused on it. It is incredible. It is always in the back of my mind that it is out there and one day in my life again I may have to puke. But through God, meds, holistic treatment and a lot of self mind reprogramming on my part I am comfortable.

Emetophobia does truly suck and I think often of the people who are suffering from it and the people that have chosen or not chosen to seek help. If you have chosen to get help, you are strong, brave and eager to kick its ass. If you have not, don’t be afraid, shy or embarrassed to do so. It is very intimidating at first to admit it and start the path to recovery. I waited almost 25 years suffering to even begin the discussion with a professional… 25 years too long. I look back and often wonder what would have been different if I would have conquered the fear early in my life and what I may have been able to accomplish.

Coincidentally, I am even having a discussion with my in-laws about the ravages of the stomach bug they are experience as we chat on FaceBook, all while eating a cheese danish and having my daily morning coffee. Yes I am even back on coffee and not experiencing the anxiety and fear that I have most of my life. While still somewhat uncomfortable to discuss the events of the bug with them, I am doing it and rationalizing to myself that it is in another state and not here. It may get here or it may not. I may get sick this year or may not. God only knows and I just keep scrolling the positive thoughts in my mind that it will be ok if it does happen and I will continue to the best of my ability to remain calm and do what I need to do to let it pass.

Hindsight is 20/20 they say but I can’t focus on that. I am content with where I am with the phobia and proud and thankful to God that he has been able to guide me in a direction toward peace. I pray you will choose to do that as well Suffer no more…

I will write as often as I can. When you get a grasp on the phobia yourself you will realize the life you are missing and start to focus on the more important things. I know I am.

Until I post again, feel free to look around my site for ideas, inspiration and support knowing that you are not alone. You are not alone!! And always, always trust in Jesus to help you. Sometimes it will get rough before it gets better.

As always, hang in there and it will get better for you.
