My Thought Wall

Most Comfortable Thanksgiving Ever

I would have to say that Thanksgiving 2014 has been the best ever for me, amongst a small gathering of family, some recovering from a stomach bug. I felt at peace and comfortable doing things I have never done before. Mainly interacting closely with family and the...

Winter Vigilance 2014

The phobia is still at bay but I am staying vigilant again this winter as I do every winter. I felt a little frumpy today so I took something called Sambucus that contains Elderberry extract as a preventative measure as I feel like I am getting a cold. I heard great...

Beware Of Chapter 3

I recently started reading a book my mother suggested for me titled My Age Of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind by Scott Stossel. I am not an avid reader but was curious as to what this guy went through based on the narrative. I can honestly...

All Is Well

As I feared, trying to run a business and have a personal life and hobbies keeps me away from here most of the time. I just wanted to post that things are great and I have started to reduce one of my daily anti-anxiety medications gradually in hopes that I will never...

Ok Enough Already! How Did You Tame Emetophobia?

Sitting in my office today I just realized that I haven't posted anything of value to my site regarding emetophobia in a while. I am pretty busy with my work most of the time and ready to do things with my wife and pets and hobbies when I get home that are away from...

30 Years Is Too Long

Probably one of the most traumatic aspects of living with Emetophobia came at late in my lifetime. My earliest recollection of being sick was in the 4th grade. I barely even remember it now but I have carried it in my mind as a benchmark for "timing" the days, months...

Simple Math

I was thinking about my fear versus the actual time of experiencing it the other day, I mean the actual tactile time of the act itself. This is what I came up with: Being a White Male (yes male) in North America my life expectancy is around 76 Years give or take. In...

Winter Vigilance 2013

Well it is that time of year, time of the "funk" to float around... Here are some things I do to limit sicknesses this time of year. I do this to the best of my ability but it takes hyper vigilance to constantly keep the bugs away. Hand Sanitizer in my car - ✓ Hand...

A Quick Graphic on Emetophobia

This came to me one evening after emerging from a very bad run with Emetophobia impacting my daily life, kind of simplifies it for me and helps me visualize the act of being sick as a smaller discomfort than a larger one. I can say that at my worst this graphic...

Emetophobia In My Life

Having to deal with this irrational fear has left me with many, many thoughts about the experience. I will attempt to list them over time in categorized bullet format to help raise awareness to the disorder and draw parallels to your own experiences. My hope is that...