
Welcome to my Emetophobia resources page. Don’t worry I am not trying to get you to spend money or sell you anything you don’t need, that is not my way. I just wanted to list things that I have found of value on the web or in books or videos. These  have helped me cope with life and learn more about my fear and to become closer to God and my Family.


Bible GatewayThe Bible

The definitive resource! If you have not ever read or studied the Bible I highly recommend it. I myself am not a huge reader but try to read or learn Bible verses when I can. It is all free online and there are even apps for your phone that automatically display verses for you if you are too busy in your life. Even just a few short minutes a week can really help in your learning and salvation, it truly is an amazing work!

Grace Through Faith WebsiteGrace Through Faith

Jack Kelley excellently answers questions regarding the bible.
A must read website. They believe in the imminent return of our Lord for His Church (The Rapture), to be followed first by a period of judgment (The Great Tribulation) and then His final return to Earth  with His Church to Rule and reign for 1000 years (The Millennium). Check it out!

Reasons To BelieveReasons To Believe

Hugh Ross provides great information on God’s existence through scientific research. “RTB’s mission is to spread the Christian Gospel by demonstrating that sound reason and scientific research—including the very latest discoveries—consistently support, rather than erode, confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in the personal, transcendent God revealed in both Scripture and nature.”

Know Your Enemy By The Fuel ProjectKnow Your Enemy

Series and Book by The Fuel Project Exploring the New World Order from a Christian Perspective. I would also highly recommend this series to you. It is very well written and brings into perspective the world back to the earliest days of Babylon. It really helped me to understand the world around me and why bad things are and continue to happen around us.

Watch the Know Your Enemy Series Free on YouTube


Emetophobia HelpEmetophobia Fact Sheet

A great site discussing Emetophobia from the perspective of a recovering Emet like myself. Great resource to add to your toolbox. She even offers tips on relaxation and an online exposure guide that will gradually expose you to words, images and videos of people being sick.  I would recommend discussing this with your Doctor or Counselor before attempting! I did follow this series during my recovery and even though uncomfortable to view some of the images I do feel that more and more exposure will help your mind to diminish the level of fear that you feel about being sick.

Emetophobia.orgEmetophobia Forum

I haven’t been a member for a while but would recommend this site for research and discussion with people that do suffer from Emetophobia. I have read many articles and conversations there that helped me to realize that I was not alone in my fear. I was very surprised at how pervasive the irrational fear is throughout the world. Support Groups

I really never used a support group for Emetophobia as I am a very private person and tend to like to work things out in private. I am sure there are many support groups out there online and possibly in your local area that can help you. You can check out this support group site linked above to see if it is a good fit for you or just search for and Emetophobia Support group in your favorite search engine.

Fear In General

My Age Of Anxiety by Scott StosselMy Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind

I recently started reading a book my mother suggested for me titled My Age Of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind by Scott Stossel. I am not an avid reader but was curious as to what this guy went through based on the narrative. I can honestly say that his experiences make my anxiety and fears pale in comparison. I would recommend reading this book to gain more perspective into other people suffering from Emetophobia as well as generalized anxiety disorder and what they have to do to cope.

SPOILER Alert (And Discomfort Alert)

Scott went through and extensive exposure therapy session in his life and it is written about in chapter 3 with great detail. Even as good as I am doing these days I was a bit squeamish reading his experience in vivid detail. Exposure therapy is something that I vigorously wanted to avoid during therapy sessions as a child. My fear of it was so great that I never mentioned having the fear to anyone until I was in my mid 20s.

Waking The TigerWaking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences

I stumbled on this book when looking around the web for things relating to fear. There is a slight possibility that I may have experienced a traumatic experience (traumatic to me) that may have triggered my brain to stick in the fearful flight mode of our flight or fight internal mechanisms. The book gives great insight into this mechanism and how you can begin to heal yourself from within.

From the excerpt on Amazon about the book:

“Waking the Tiger normalizes the symptoms of trauma and the steps needed to heal them. People are often traumatized by seemingly ordinary experiences. The reader is taken on a guided tour of the subtle, yet powerful impulses that govern our responses to overwhelming life events. To do this, it employs a series of exercises that help us focus on bodily sensations. Through heightened awareness of these sensations trauma can be healed.”

Like the other resources above, this book may be a good tool to put in your toolkit to help fight this unrealistic and tenacious phobia!

Depression and Anxiety

Feeling Good The New Mood TherapyFeeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

Found this book on my shelf the other day. My mother gave it to me many years back to read. I found it to be an awesome guide to the way we think and how to fix distorted thought processes and it gave me great comfort during a very difficult period in my life. I am starting to over it again in the evenings. It is an older publication but I highly recommend it.


More To follow….. Rich